
Santa spoiled me this year and brought me a Canon G10 camera (Thanks Doreen) which I have been enjoying. I thought I would post “Features from the first 500”. These are pictures I took along with a description of why I think the camera did a good or bad job (it could also be the photographer...).The pictures range from family pictures to outdoor scenes.

I can say in general that I love the camera. It has lots of good and a few less good points. I have tried to put out a fair and balance view of the camera.  I hope you enjoy the pictures


Dec 26 We were in the middle of a freak Vancouver snowstorm. Lots of icicles & a new camera made for a good day of picture taking.


Once the sun set I still was keen to take pictures. Doreen & our niece became willing (?) subjects.


When I first looked at this picture I thought there was a little red eye that needed correcting. The picture below shows the truth of the situation...


14 Megapixels is amazing! I can count every hair in her eyebrows and see the reflection of the overhead light in her eye!


At New Years we left the snow in Vancouver behind and went to the cottage at Pt. Roberts. It was clear, cold & windy but we went for a walk on the beach anyways.


Derek & I went taking pictures one afternoon. We met at New Brighton Park and wandered around with cameras pretending that we were photographers.


The same evening we went to our neice’s baptism. Taking pictures with the ISO set to 400 produced pictures, but lots of sensor noise. Judicious use of software can clean this up, but I need to pay attention to the ISO. Below 200 is definitely better!


This is the biggest complaint that I have with my camera. When taking pictures in RAW format I get some white soft spots in the pictures (left of tripod, right of the aisle on the pew, top center near the light & others) I am not sure of the cause.


Another nice weekend and we decided to go for a walk at Deer Lake Park. I couldn’t pass on the opportunity to take a few more pictures


All in all a pretty great day!


Stuart & I built a Tesla coil for a school project that he was working on. We were making 1 inch sparks with our coil. With a little more work we may be able to increase the size of sparks...


Stuart as Nicola Tesla. I discovered the 3200 ISO setting on the G10. Although it is limited to a 2MP image it controls noise and gets a great available light picture!


At Sterling’s 80th Birthday I broke the 500 picture mark. (:-D)

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